About Perido

Our goal is to help you take your next career step. Our vision is a workplace where everyone thrives and is dedicated.


Perido was formed in early 2003. The founders, Johan Heverius and Kasper Ljungkvist, are experienced entrepreneurs who have worked within the consultancy sector since 1996. Today Johan is Perido’s CEO while Kasper operates as Chairman of the Board.


Perido offers consultant and recruiting services to clients in both public and the private sectors. Although we help our clients within several different business areas, the majority of our consultants are found in IT, economics, administration, communication and customer service. The name Perido is derived from the Latin word Peridoneus which means “very suitable, very well-matched”, and that’s what we are doing on a daily basis: supplying our clients with very well-matched competence. Our offices are located in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö and Umeå.


Perido placed 38th on Ahrens & Partners list “Snabbväxarna 2013”, a compilation of the fastest growing Swedish companies measured over a 7 year time frame. We have also received the Superföretag award (given by Veckans Affärer) as well as the Gasellföretag prize (given by Dagens Industri). Since 2008 Perido has had a AAA-classification which is the highest possible rating in Soliditets credit assessment system. Simply put, we are a very stable company with a healthy financial status.

Authorized Company

Perido is authorized by Bemanningsföretagen/Almega. To learn more, kindly read the following links: http://www.Bemanningsforetagen.se/om-oss/in-english http://www.tryggbemanning.se/in-english

Perido as your employer

Many of us work as specialists in the areas of IT, administration or economics. Others work with strategic risk, marketing of the Swedish archipelago or Dutch customer service – to name just a few examples. Based on the latest survey regarding employee satisfaction our consultants have rated us 4.49 on a 5-point scale. That might tell you something about our capabilities as an employer, but naturally it doesn’t give you the whole picture. As a consultant at Perido, you will always have a dedicated consultant manager who will play an important role during your time with us. The consultant manager will help you feel comfortable in your new assignment, give you support in your everyday work life, and is also the person with whom you will discuss your long term development. Although our consultant managers have different backgrounds they all have one thing in common: a passion for people and their professional and personal growth.